Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Association Meeting

On Thursday November 11th there will be a Barkley Neighborhood Association Meeting in the conference room in the Dorothy Haggen building. The meeting will start at 7pm.

Don't know where the Conference room is in the  Dorothy Haggen building, no problem.
Dorothy Haggen Building is located at 2211 Rimland Drive. The conference room is on the first floor number 106. Below are some pictures to help you find your way.
If you would like direction from your exact location click here

Turn on to Rimland Dr
On your left will be the Dorothy Haggen Building.
Drive around the Building to the back door. 
There is a lot of space to park behind the building.
Walk in the back door and down the main hall to the side hall on your left.
Go down the side hall.
Til you are almost at the end.
There will be a dugout on your right.
In the dugout is the door to the conference room.

Enjoy the meeting.

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